I’m Nitish Kalra from New Delhi, India, where I make Browsers Dance.

For me after sketching, computers and books have always share equivalent love, attention and importance. I still remember the day when I saw a computer for the first time it was in my computers class 4th Grade, and from that day onwards, I've always been judged by my handwriting as typing lead me away from writing. I guess it was already planned.

I've always been a fan of Anime, (DBZ, Naruto, One Punch, Boruto, One Piece). Big fan of PS games, I love to battle around on Arcade games, Race & Strategy.

The time which I spend very personally with a motive is something I spend on Reading. I love to read, watch and explore History, Mythology & Fiction.

Today, I’m a Software Developer at Tech9, the company which has given me great opportunities from time to time, to upscale my career, I've worked here on many UI dev technologies like JS, React, Next, Tailwind, MUI, GO and AWS.